It is derived from the term "hundemarken" which was similar to the tag that each dog in the then Prussian capital of Berlin required to wear, after their owner paid the license fee. The term ‘dog tags’, with reference to military tags, comes from the Prussian Army in 1870. Therefore, if you are looking for a tag for your pet then, the appropriate term is ‘pet tags’ and not ‘dog tags’. Military identification tags are called as dog tags since it resembles the tags used by pet owners. With advancement in technology, the problem of identifying the dead has been solved by using DNA sampling. Today dog tags are only the first level of identification in the battlefield. Shortly before World War I the tags became a part of the army field kit. In early twentieth century the tags were officially introduced in the form of a round disk stamped with a soldier’s name, number, company and regiment. After the Spanish-American war of 1899 an official request was made to introduce an identity disk. Later, vendors who followed the armies supplied engraved metal tags. Marking on clothes, pinning paper tags on the shirts, using old coins, carving chunks of wood and stringing around the neck were some of the earliest attempts of identification. The soldiers were terrified of being buried in unmarked graves and found some improvised ways to overcome this problem. The inability to identify some of the dead soldiers created a need for an identification tag that could withstand harsh battle conditions and resistant to corrosion. The identification tags first surfaced during the American civil war. For a simple understanding of dog tags and its uses you can take a look at this video.

In India, the term ‘dog tags’ is often confused with pet tags that are used on animals. They are issued to soldiers as a replacement for plastic ID cards because of their resistance to harsh battle conditions and durability.

These tags are used in the identification of the dead and wounded in the battlefield. Dog tag refers to a type of military identification tags worn by soldiers during war.