Long after the seven-episode series ended, a film version was released, also entitled Raumpatrouille: Die Phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion ( 2003), which clumsily edited together the episodes using new connecting scenes with a conspicuously different look. Most of their activities involve efforts to thwart mysterious Alien invaders, referred to as Frogs, who can survive in a vacuum and take mental control of certain humans who then serve as their secret allies. To keep heroic but rebellious spaceship commander Cliff McLane (Dietmar Schönherr) under control, his superiors have assigned Tamara Jagellovsk (Eva Pflug) to join and oversee his space missions though her presence is first resented by McLane and the four-person crew of his spaceship Orion, she is eventually accepted as a crew member and develops a romantic relationship with McLane. In the future, humans have inhabited the solar system, and authorities regularly dispatch saucer-shaped Spaceships from an undersea base to deal with various problems in space these spacecraft can land on planetary surfaces, but are also equipped with small shuttlecraft to handle special tasks in space which also require crew members to don bulky spacesuits. Most creative personnel were collectively credited as W G Larsen. Writers were Michael Braun, Gottschalk, Honold, Krapp, Theo Mezger, and Oliver Storz. Created by Rolf Honold and Hans Gottschalk. Produced by Bavaria Films for the ARD network.
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German tv series ( 1966), referred to in English as Space Patrol its full official title translated into English is "Space Patrol: The Fantastic Adventures of the Spaceship Orion".